Shields 2+0, Hester 0+1:
Brown 5+5, Bidner 3+4, Linton 3+3, Plumb 2+5, G Latto 1+2, McLennan 1+0, Edmiston 1+0, Cottrell 1+0, Abel
0+1, Kirk 0+1, Black 0+1:
Dickson (Fife) 14
Anderson (Dynamos) 71
Glasgow 17; Fife 21:
Ron Plumb opened Flyers' onslaught in just 34 seconds...Todd Bidner's 1st goal in British competition came
at 12.24(Flyers' 7th).....Danny Brown very impressive against a Dynamos side with only 1 import...Jak Bestle and Bill
Kirk return on Wed 25th Sept..
Report from Ice hockey News Review 28th September 1985