1970-71 Review by Farquhar Matheson (1971/72 Ice Hockey Herald Annual)
1970-71 was another very successf'ul season f'or the Dynamos, although at the end of the day only the
Barbour Cup was lying on the sideboard to prove the fact. However, in taking a full analysis of' the overall statistics, Dynamos
were second only to the very strong Racers' side, and in fact proved the only real threat to Murrayf'ield's eventual domination.
A close season injury to Ian Nelson caused an immediate goaltending problem. Steve McKay came from Edinburgh on loan for
the f'irst part of the season, and then Billy Laird was signed in late November. The f'ormer Mohawk settled quickly and his
classy netminding and generalship of' the young def'ence had a heartening ef'fect on the side.
Another ex-Mohawk, Billy Brennan, also joined up in mid-season, and despite a year and a half
on the sidelines showed that he had lost none of his old skill. With the further addition of'John Connor to the roster in
March the defensive strength looked much more healthy, particularly with skipper Allan Lavety showing immediate benefit f'rom
his 'World.' experiences.
Individually it was a year of all round improvement. Perhaps the most noticeable was Barrie Stevenson,
who bIossomed into one of the most dangerous wingers in the country, and deservedly won the new "Dynamo of the Year' award
gifted by trainer Ellis Firestone. Barrie's serious leg break towards. the end of the season was a sore blow both to himself
and to the club.
Martin Shields was the winner of the Supporters' Club Shield for the most improved young player and here
again the honour was highly deserved. Martin not only had a particularly good season but also developed a calmer and
more mature temperament which was reflected in his penalty count being below previous figures.
Donnie Lavety, John Hester and Rudy Carroll all showed steady progress, and the ever-popular Jimmy
Purcell climbed out of a mid-season sticky patch to finish the year strongly. Dave Callaghan earned himself a regular spot
through persistent hard skating, and both.Bobby Allan and Willie Murray dId all they were called on to do on their infrequent
appearances on the ice.
1971 has brought one major disappointment to the club. Robert Stevenson, coach, top scorer and inspiration
to the Dynamos since 1966, emigrated to Australia at the end of' the season, to take over a semiprofessional job coaching
the Melbourne Tigers, where he will link up with f'ormer winger Davie Sinclair. To say that Stevie will be missed is probably
the biggest understatement of all time. On the ice he has contributed nearly half the goals the team has scored, and the achievements
of' the club more than speak his ability as a coach and tactician. It is obviously going to take the team a little time to
shake off the despondency of his departure and reassert themselves under a new coach (who had not been selected ( at the time
of writing) and I hope the supporters will have patience and not expect too much during the transitional period.
With Robert away and Barrie unlikely to be back for a spell, a great burden is going to be thrown on
the shoulders of Billy Lavety, the one remaining consistent goalscorer. If Billy can steer clear of injury he should prove
equal to the task, and it is on his broad shoulders that most of the Dynamo hopes must be pinned