Dynamos 5 Ayr Bruins 7
Report by Greg Reade The players took quite a time to settle, but when they did
Dynamos soon found themselves ahead through Cameron and Hester. Before the end of the fIrst perlod Bruins hit back wIth goals
from M'Gregor and M'Bride, each asslsting on the other's score. Bruins then began to domInate and went ahead wIth goals
from Baird and M'Brlde. Cameron pulled one back, Baird scored agaIn and Hester potted his second of the night. In the final
frame M'Bride was on target once more and then to the great delight of the crowd young Callaghan notched his fIrst goal
of the season. With three mInutes left on the clock the homesters were all out for the equaIiser, pulling goal-tender M'Kay.
It did not pay off, however, as M'Bride rounded off the scorlng by tapping the puck into the empty net on a break. The
basIc dlfference on the night, in my eyes, was that although the whrle Dynamos team played well,they dldn't have the top stars
to contend wIth Ayr, whom M'Gregor and M'Brlde virtually held together. M'Bride was a brilliant wInger, but It can do hIm
no harm at all to remember to keep hIs temper, and hIs stIck, under control. STAR RATINGS *** M'Brlde
** Cameron * M'Gregor.