Glasgow Dynamos Remembered


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Before the Dynamos
Press Cuttings
Glasgow Mustangs
Robert Stevenson

Dynamos 8 Fife Flyers 3

The scoreline is.a ;f~ir refiection
to~~ny gr(3at pitch of excitement'dUe
lead. Flyers did have their periods
they 10'okEJd like 'gaining, the ascenden
: 'I'houghFlyetsplayed'some'gre~t m'
pace"'slowf3r~ ;tpat $et bY'Dy:namoSi'
.cOUld not~"get~:clear.of'the homedefen
concern. " At the.other end McK""r
,'Wh ;'- '-V
not have been fi'appy with' tfi~coveraf
R. stevenson had not scorned 801l1e fin
scor~, .the iIiil:t'gin ~ould have been muc
STl'iR ~!..TINGS +++ R.:Stev:ellSdn
- IV.
g~ . ' .' . Gla-s-C1J'-.w nal11 S. 8. FJ.fe Fl 3."."" . -
n~ ~ " , , ,r '" ' .' . . , ' " .. ' . : ',,~
'Thescoreline 1S a lair reflection of this match" which never :t~ally-- rcse
:'-to ~Y.;'gr~a~'-,p~,~ch,.of '6Xcit'~Ul~nt due to Glasgow taking.' ~earlY 't.hree 'go8-1.'
lead. Flyers did have their periods of pressure,.bu"t.on each occasion th~t
they +~~k.f}<;1li-ke g,aining th~ ascendency, Dynamos broke.a\o1ay to score. .
., ':t'"Fly'ers played some great man-to-man hockey, generlJlly it was at a
paceslbwer th~ that set by,Dynamos, with the res~t. that ~he. Fii'e f:prw~ds
could not. get .9~ear of; the ~ome defence oft~n' eno:ugh to caus~ Lair~ a~, gr.~at
cbti~~r~~ " 1.,t. !-h~,other end McKay" .who looked short of m~tch p~act~ce,.cpuld
~~th~ve 'Qe.~* ~apPl with the cover afforded by his PWll d.efet:l:~~. r. In fac~,. if
R. Stevenson' had not scorned some fin~ cht::tpces 'apart f,~o~the"'fiv~ .h.~.;d~d"'r
,Sqo~~, .yh~ ~f.1.rgin .wQuld have bee,~ ~uch h,igher.. '. ~..;' .;.,;.. ,,; ;,:-F. }1.
STAR -RJ:.TINGS +++ R. Stevenson ++ Horne ... * Hester:. .. ,'" " ;
""';j',:;,, 'f"':" ;.;. :.j'J;.'.J'~;it:"";-i:':~'"
~ .-:: ..; ,
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